Saturday, April 24, 2010

Witnesses would have to help victims of corporal punishment?

Munich - 20 people watched the terrible drama at the Munich S-Bahn station Solln.
20 people who Dominik B. (50 †) are not rushed to help when he was beaten by two thugs in broad daylight and kicked to death. Had these witnesses have to do more, they have neglected their duties as citizens?
20 witnesses have now reported to the police - and the whole of Germany wonder: Had they all made 20 against the two juvenile offenders, as Dominik would not live then? The police confirmed that the children who wanted to protect as against the thugs who asked passers-by for help.
Some of these passers-by actually calling the police, then came to their duty. But was that enough? The public prosecutor has opened an investigation because of failure to assist against witnesses. That is the legal side. "The moral evaluation is a different matter," said prosecutor Laurent Lafleur "Süddeutsche Zeitung".
The event "failure to assist" is an area with many gray areas. Under § 323C of the Penal Code makes each of the "in case of accidents or common danger or distress does not help, when required and expected of him under the circumstances (...) is" punishable by law.
But what is "reasonable under the circumstances"? "As a main principle: I help myself without their own peril," says Harald Schmidt, CEO of the Central office of the Police Crime Prevention of the countries and the federal government to EXPRESS.
Nevertheless, one can do in such moments more. "The crowd often makes the difference. Talk to other witnesses actively and directly: "You with the green T-shirt with the hat, come on, because someone needs our help. '" Says Schmidt. "Often people need a push to overcome her of shock too. Thus, a joint parliamentary group may enjoin offenders to stop. "
A common front - it would have probably saved the lives Dominik B.. He now receives the Bavarian Order of Merit posthumously for his courage.
After the beatings drama in Munich EXPRESS-TV in Cologne questioned about courage - watch the clip HERE!
More on the S-Bahn-drama: S-Bahn-bats (18) whining for forgiveness> Manager wanted to help and was beaten to death>
Also of interest
Memorial service for the S-Bahn-hero - the photos