Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Sido: driving without a license

Berlin - Scandal-Sido rapper makes his nickname apparently ammunition again: it is to be driven without a license, and was caught. And yet next week would have been his driver's license exam.
On Sunday, he allegedly wanted to bring his mother back home shortly. Dumb only that the police should have stopped him in his new Touareg, during a trip in Berlin - and who has no flap, which has no place in the road just nothing.
Sido managed only full 500 meters. From the parking lot on the Senftenberg ring in the Mark Brandenburg district - already stood there for half a kilometer of a road.
Sido is to have reacted quite calmly, when he was asked for his papers. He should have admitted directly that he had none.
 See all honesty did not help. Now he is locked expected a few years. In addition, he faces a fine.
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