Sunday, May 30, 2010

Ümit Özat: U.S. trip postponed

Cologne - Geißbockheim place Cleveland: move the diseased FC captain Ümit Özat has his U.S. trip, visited Tuesday afternoon instead of the FC-colleagues in the Klubzentrale.
In a special clinic in Cleveland, he wanted to have it checked his heart again.
But the Turk was told Monday that its medical officer this week on vacation staying. Next Monday returns to the cardiologist, then flies over Ümit - and will soon return fit.
Ümit the EXPRESS: Interview & Video - click HERE>

Monday, May 24, 2010

Whether that Angie probably fox?

Düsseldorf - At last a smart choice poster. Has nothing to do with any bottles. Does not matter. Should be political in any way.
Although - the "fox" on the large poster of a rather well-known politician, but looks very similar. Add to that the cheeky question "old-Chancellor?"
answers to this question on 27's September. Then this has done to the percentage. 18 clock. End of the election. Then it comes to blood alcohol.
In the brewery "Zum Füchschen" rises the great election party. That's what Füchschen boss Peter King advertises his cheeky billboards now in the city.
King: "I am sure that Ms Merkel has enough humor. The poster may live well with this. "

Whether that Angie probably fox?

Düsseldorf - At last a smart choice poster. Has nothing to do with any bottles. Does not matter. Should be political in any way.
Although - the "fox" on the large poster of a rather well-known politician, but looks very similar. Add to that the cheeky question "old-Chancellor?"
answers to this question on 27's September. Then this has done to the percentage. 18 clock. End of the election. Then it comes to blood alcohol.
In the brewery "Zum Füchschen" rises the great election party. That's what Füchschen boss Peter King advertises his cheeky billboards now in the city.
King: "I am sure that Ms Merkel has enough humor. The poster may live well with this. "

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Sido: driving without a license

Berlin - Scandal-Sido rapper makes his nickname apparently ammunition again: it is to be driven without a license, and was caught. And yet next week would have been his driver's license exam.
On Sunday, he allegedly wanted to bring his mother back home shortly. Dumb only that the police should have stopped him in his new Touareg, during a trip in Berlin - and who has no flap, which has no place in the road just nothing.
Sido managed only full 500 meters. From the parking lot on the Senftenberg ring in the Mark Brandenburg district - already stood there for half a kilometer of a road.
Sido is to have reacted quite calmly, when he was asked for his papers. He should have admitted directly that he had none.
 See all honesty did not help. Now he is locked expected a few years. In addition, he faces a fine.
More on SidoSido do not take away Scooter> Bushido Sido against - brutal threats> Rapper Sido: "None of the girls are real!">

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

KVB poker for Prizes

Cologne - The fare on the regional Rhine-Sieg (VRS) - and thus also of the KVB - are expected to rise next year. The parties in the Verbandsversammlung and transport operators to fight hard on the amount of the award.
If it were up to the 31 carriers in the VRS, the tariffs would be for buses and trains right around 4.5 or attracting an average of five percent. A single ticket to the KVB could thus be approximately equal to ten cents more expensive. The reason is the price premium traditionally with the increased costs of personnel and energy.
But as Gerhard Zorn, SPD head explodes in Zweckverband, the collar: "Nearly five percent is too high and not to do with us." The politician points out that energy costs accounted for at most 15 percent of the total cost of a carrier.
The SPD would accept at most 2.9 percent - as in Frankfurt -. Individual tickets will not have to be expensive. Zorn: "For a pay increase is a three-quarters majority needed: no agreement, no resolution, no increase!"
CDU town councilor and deputy Party chief of Karsten's Möring VRS Zweckverband Assembly. He also believes the increase in the VRS call company, to be inappropriate, but said: "The behavior of the SPD is equally dubious. 2.9 percent are too little. I expect that we will work out a compromise proposal. "
On 25 September is meeting Verbandsversammlung. An agreement will be problematic. Carriers, according to Zorn already legally examine whether they can attract without the politicians prices. That would effectively mean the end for the Transport Authority.
The KVB wanted to make, at the collective poker in the VRS and opinion. Only one thing is certain: It will be expensive ...
What do you think about the planned price increase? Fair or not? Discussed with!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Mohamad season ended?

Sinsheim - as Youssef Mohamad trotted to the team bus, he only once took a deep swig from the water bottle.
Just off and swallow the frustration. Rotsünder "Dodo" felt cheated - and let go of the EXPRESS conversation steam.
"I have seen the scene in the TV again. This was neither a penalty nor a red card. I've only used my body. The referee had not even whistling. Only the linesman has unleashed it, "he raged.
Minutes 79: Joker Adil Chihi plays a catastrophic back-pass, Mohamad has to go to run duel with Demba Ba. A touch, a fall, a whistle: penalty and red! For him, the season could be completed so that, for now threatening a lock.
In addition, Christoph Daum has on Tuesday losing to Hertha still on Captain Novakovic and Pezzoni. Both scored in Saturday after the fifth yellow card.
How it worked: Hoffenheim beats sluggish FC>